Search Cheddar Valley’s business community
Corona Cheddar Valley Business Response – keeping local business open!

We have created this Business Search service to help connect people with local businesses around the Cheddar Valley during the Coronavirus shutdown… and maybe beyond.
The office and shop and roller doors may be firmly closed but many of the businesses are operating alternative or limited services, trading online or working from home – and they need our support right now!
Whilst they may not be able to visit or deliver in all circumstances, most will be happy to advise by phone, email, skype or zoom and help you to find a way to meet your needs if they possibly can.
Local businesses are the lifeblood of our local community – without your help, many of our local product and service providers are just a few weeks away from closure – despite some help from the government, for some this could mean financial ruin.
They need our help and they need it fast!
Let’s help to assist our local business owners in whatever way we can to keep their doors open and their books balanced.
What we need you to do…
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Corona Cheddar Valley Business Response – keeping local business open!
Part of Cheddar Chamber
Please Note: We would encourage residents and businesses to continue to adhere to the government guidelines so that we can stop the Covid-19 virus in its tracks